The Golfers Card | Emirates Golf Federation

       Golf Handicap and Club Administration Systems


You can complete your game anywhere using GolfersCard Mobile Gateway.

Create Mobile Shortcut.

1. Use your phones browser and enter

2. When Main GC Menu is displayed click
on settings

3. Select Add to Home screen.

4. One now has an Icon on your Home
Screen for Quick Access.


Handicap provider for

United Arab Emirates


South Africa

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Admin system:

The easy way to start and manage your own social golf club. Perfect for schools, social groups, events, company leagues and friends. GolfersCard is a golf administration system used by golf clubs around the world to manage club memberships & fees, manage handicaps & games, track player rankings, sophisticated search facilities, tournament options, e-mail facilities, and more.

IGC Membership:

The International Golf Club is an online social golf club which is perfect for casual and social players, juniors and beginners. Now you can be a member of a golf club for a small annual fee and track your handicap, compete in competitions, play in leaderboards and try for Player of the Month.

GolferCard Overview:

GolfersCard is the easiest way to start and manage a social golf club, or join a golf club to track your handicap. Trusted by clubs and players around the world and packed with pro club features to manage club memberships & fees, manage handicaps & games, track player rankings, sophisticated search facilities, tournament options, e-mail facilities, and more.Read more...

For more details contact Ben at:
[email protected]
 Tel: +27 82 891 5171




One can now set up ones own Golf Group and be able to keep track of each other's games and set up your own daily and monthly competitions using our unique Leaderboard format!



1) Log yourself in on the web and select "edit profile".

2) We have added a field called "Social Group Name".
You now need to enter a name for the group of players you want to set up. e.g. "Our Group". (Try to make it unique).

3) Save the edit profile.

4) Now send the group name e.g. ("Our Group") to anyone you want to invite to your group, irrespective of what club they belong to and tell them to add it to their profile.

5) After one has logged on one will find On the left of the Logoff link there is now a drop down named "Social Groups" which has
a) Social Members.
b) Social Leaderboard Monthly.
c) Social Leaderboard Daily.

6) Social members displays all the members in your group.

7) Leaderboard Monthly will show games played by your group in order from best to worst for any month.

8) Leaderboard Daily will show games played by your group in order from best to worst for any day.

9) The member list and leaderboards can also be accessed by our mobile site being


Enjoy your Golf.


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